Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

lesson plan SMP kelas 8 writing and speaking instructional planning and media


School                         : SMP N 1 JATILAWANG
Subject                                    : English
Grade/SMT                 : 8 / I
Topic/Skill                   : Writing and Speaking
Time Allotment           : 1 x 45 minutes

A.    Core Competence :
C.C. 1. Appreciate and comprehend the teachings of their religion.
C.C. 2.             Appreciate and comprehend honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual cooperation), polite, independent in interacting effectively with the society and natural environment as well as in the scope of society and the existence)
C.C. 3. Understand and apply the knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on student’s curiosity of science, technology, art, culture based on phenomenon and invisible accident.
C.C. 4. Process, present, and reason in the realm of concrete (using, parse, compose, modify, and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) according to what have learned in schools, and other sources in the same view point/theory.

B.     Basic Competence
B.C. 3.7. Applying elements of text and language elements to do implement social                            function and inquire action / event which is currently underway in accordance
                with the context of its use
B.C. 4.7. Arranging oral and written texts to declare and inquire about the actions/events
that to do occurs regurarly or a general truth by taking into account the social        function of the structure in the text and the correct elements of language and in context

C.      Indicator
1.       (Applying ) Using social function text and give critique other student.
2.       (Analysing) Comparing structure in the text in the correct elements of language.
3.       (Evaluating) Judging the grammatical structure of the text.
4.       (Creating) Producing element of the text and language element to do implement social function in accordance with context of its issue

D.    Learning Objectives (A-B-C-D):
At the end of the lesson students (A) are able to:
1.      Use (B) social function text and give critique other student.
2.      Compare (B) structure in the text in the correct elements of language.
3.      Judge (B) the grammatical structure of the text.
4.      Produce (B) element of the text and language element to do implement social function in accordance with context of its issue
I.                    Steps of teaching
1.              Opening
a.  Orientation
·         Teacher greet the student
“ Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning students , how are you today ?”
·         Teacher check the roll
“ I will check your attendence one by one. ”
Check student’s attendence one by one.
·         Teacher asks the previous material
“Do you remember about our material in the last meeting ?”
Including asks the students whether there is any homework that need to be discussed.

b.  Brainstorming stage
· Teacher give samples of structure as brainstorming.
Picture               :

Picture               : about Structture of All Tense

Question           :
“What do you think about this picture ? ”

c.   Motivating strategy
·         Teacher tells about the learning objectives motivating students about what will be discus right now.
·         “This next topic is something that we’ll use again and again.  It contains valuable ideas that we’ll use throughout the later sections of the courseThe teacher tells the students about
2.              Main Activity
a.  Observing
·    Listen interpersonal Dialogue about Expression to ask and give forgiveness and give politeness
·    listen to the dialogue again and imitating the teacher

b.  Questioning
·    Teacher guides students to make a sentences related to the material about tense .
·    Students ask questions based on the material about the tense
·    Teacher expalins the material about grammatical tense

c.       Associating
·         Teacher gives another question
·         Students analyze the sentences work in pairs
·         Teacher ask students to tell the result
d.      Experimenting
·         Students make a group of 6.
·         Students get one samples of grammatical tense
e.      Networking
·         Students show they result of disscussion front of the class.
·          The other students give feedback
·         Teacher gives feedback and explanation for each group.
3.       Closing
·         Teacher and students conclude the material
·         evaluating student performance demonstrated some advantages and disadvantages

II.                  Learning media
1.       Book – Let’s Talk
2.       Power point slide
3.       Script of tense
III.                Learning Sources

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