Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

lesson plan reaading and writing intstructional planning and media

Name                           :  Lorenza Megafatma Dwi Candra
Students Number        : 1501050049
School            :  SMP N 4 Purbalingga
Subject            :  English
Skill                 : Reading and Writing
Grade              : VIII/1
Time                : 1 X 40 minutes

I.                   Core Competences

CC.1.        Appreciate and practice the things of their religion.

CC.2.        Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, curing     (tolerance, mutual assistence), polite independent in environment as well as in the scope of society and existence.

CC.3.        Understand and apply the  knowledge (factual, conceptual, and existence student’s curiously of science, technology, art, culture based on phenomenon and invisible incident.

CC.4.        Process, present, and reason, in the ... of concrete (using, parse, compose, and create) and the ... of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and fabricated) according to the learned in shools and other sources in the same view point theory.

II.                Base Competences

BC.3.9.     Applying text structure and language elements to perform the functions of social states and inquire comparison the number and character of people, animals, objects, according to the context of use.
BC.4.10.   Creating the oral and written texts to express and ask about the ratio of the number and character of people, animals, objects, taking into account the social function, the structure of the text, and correct linguistic elements and in context.

III.             Indicators
1.      Classifying some examples of statements and questions comparison of the number and character of people, animals, objects in context.
2.      Using an example of expression you used to inquire comparison the number and character of people, animals, objects, in a variety of contexts.
3.      Comparing some of expression about the statement and question the comparison the number and character of people, animals, objects, in English.
4.      Checking the text about comparison the number andcharacter of people, animals, and objects.
5.      Performing the dialogue that you used to tell about the number and character of people,animals, and objects. 

IV.             Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson students (A) are able to :
1.      classify some examples of statements and questions of the number and character of people, animals, objects in context.
2.      use  an example of expression that used to  inquire comparison the number and character of people, animals, objects,  in a variety of contexts.
3.      check  10  text  about comparison the number and character of people, animals and object in 10 minutes.
4.      perform the dialogue that usually used to tell about the number and character of people, animals, objects in 10 minutes.

V.                Steps of teaching
1.              Opening
a.  Orientation
·         Teacher greet the student
“ Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning students , how are you today ?”
·         Teacher check the roll
“ I will check your attendence one by one. ”
Check student’s attendence one by one.
·         Teacher asks the previous material
“Do you remember about our material in the last meeting ?”
Including asks the students whether there is any homework that need to be discussed.

b.  Brainstorming stage
· Teacher give some question or some picture/video as brainstorming.
Picture           :

Video                        : Story about “Bawang Merah Bawang Putih” in english.

Question        :
“What do you thing about characters of the people in the picture ? ”

c.  Motivating strategy
·         Teacher tells about the learning objectives motivating students about what will be discus right now.
“ Now, we will learn about expression that used to  inquire comparison the number and character of people, animals, objects.”
·         The teacher tells the students about the purpose of learning material that will be learnt.
·         The teacher relates the previous material with the next material that will be learnt.
2.              Main Activity
a.  Observing
·    Students are asked to observe the characteristic of people in the video.
·    Students observe the part of speech in some word that available in the video.
b.  Questioning
·    Teacher guides students to make a question relalted to the material about character of people.
·    Students ask questions based on the material about character of people.
·    Teacher expalins the material about character of people.

c.       Associating
·         Teacher gives another text
·         Students analyze the text work in pairs
·         Teacher ask students to tell the result
d.      Experimenting
·         Students make a group of 4.
·         Students get one video or picture with text from the teacher.
·         Students construct a list or text about the characteristic of people that they get from the media.
e.       Networking
·         Students show they assignment in front of the class.
Students tell little bit about  the summary of the story, then they explain about the character of people in the story.
·         The other students give feedback
The other student give some feedback, basen on their opinion.
·         Teacher gives feedback and explanation for each group.
Teacher give some feedback and explain about the mistake.
“ You was work very well but you must careful when you use grammar.”
3.      Closing
·         Teacher and students conclude the material
“After we learn about the characters of people,we know that it not hard to make it.
·         Teacher asks students the difficulties
“ Do you find any difficulties? ”
·         Teacher gives review
“Your work is good enough, but you must be able to add some vocabulary and learn about the grammar again to make it perfect
·         Teacher tell the next material
“ Oke students, in the next meeting we will learn about ...”
·         Teacher ends the lesson.
“ I think thats all for today, thanks for your nice attention. See you in the next meeting Insyaallah, Wassalammualaikum wr.wb. ”

VI.             Learning media
1.      Pictures
2.      Video
3.      Power point slide
4.      Sound system
VII.          Learning Sources,BawangMerahBawangPutihIn English,29/03/2017,18.02.

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