Selasa, 16 Mei 2017


Names             : Vina Isdani Qoriah (1501050044)
   Lorenza Megafatma Dwi Candra (1501050049)
   Dinda Ainur Rahma (1501050050)
Class               : PBI 4B

Basic Competences (Kompetisi Dasar)
BC 3.11           Understanding social function and language element in song.
BC 4.14           Responding meaning of song.

1.      Model                   :
2.      Approach            : Scientific Approach
3.      Strategy                :
4.      Method                : Audio Lingual & Direct Method
5.      Technic                 : Question and answer, discussion

A.    Steps of Teaching
1.      Opening (10 Minute)
a.       Orientation
·         Teacher greets students.
“Good Morning everybody”. “Good evening everybody”
·         Teacher checks the roll/ checks students presence.
·         Teacher begins the class by reciting “Basmallah” together.
b.      Brainstorming Stage
·         Teacher asks the previous material.
“Do you still remember about our material last meeting ?”
·         Teacher asks students about the previous material that has been learnt
Including asks the students whether there is any homework that need to be discussed”
c.       Motivating Strategy
·         Teacher tells about the learning objectives motivating students about what will be discus right now.
“Now we will study about  understanding the meaning of song by analyze the linguistic elements of song”.
·         The teacher tells the students about the purpose of learning material that will be learnt.
·         The teacher relates the previous material with the next material that will be learnt.
2.      Main Activity ( 25 Minute)
Observing :
·         Student are asked to observe the lyric of song.
·         Students observe the irregular and regular lyric of song.
Questioning :
·         Teacher guides students to make a question related to the material.
·         Students ask question based on material.
·         Teacher explain the material.
·         Teacher gives students chance to ask to the teacher if they want
·         Teacher gives some question that relates with the comprehensive meaning of the song
Associating :
·         Teacher gives another text.
·         Students analyze the text work in pairs.
·         Teacher ask student to tell the result.
Experimenting :
·         Students make a group of 3.
·         Students read the lyric of song each member.
·         Student construct a lyric of some song with the social function.
·         Students Performs the task in front of the class.
·         Teacher gives task.
·         Teacher ask the rest of student to write their friend’s error in pronouncing word while performing the roll play and give feedback to another group.
·         Teacher gives feedback.
“In my opinion you was work very well, but you must be carefully about your grammar.”
·         Teacher gives explanation.
“It must be the contain of the song like….”
3.      Closing (5 minute)
·         Teacher and Students conclude the material that has been learnt.
“After we study about make some simple lyric of song with the linguistic element today , we know that it not hard to make it.”
·         Teacher asks students the difficulties.
“Do you find any difficulties?”
·         Teacher gives feedback.
“Your work is good enough, but you must be able to add some social function again. To make it perfect”
·         Teacher asks the student to give any comments or questions about the material.
·         Teacher gives motivation and advice to the students.
·         Teacher tells the student about the next material.
“Next meeting we will learn about ........
·         Teacher ends the lesson.
“Thank you for your attention, see you next meeting” /” let’s say alhamdullilah”

B.     Learning Media
1.      Media
·         Power Point
·         Laptop

2.      Tools :
·         LCD Projector
·         Song

C.    Learning Sources ( Pembelajaran )

the category of learning method, accessed on 15 March 2017, 08.00 p.m.

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